程序 审查 San Diego Mesa College
程序 审查

程序 审查

程序 审查 Timeline 2023-2024
程序 审查 Timeline

The purpose of 程序 审查 is to facilitate the continuous improvement of teaching and learning at Mesa College as we strive to fulfill our Mission as an institution.  Each institutional unit assesses the effectiveness, currency, and viability of their area with an intentional focus on equity and excellence. 程序 review provides an opportunity for each institutional unit to collect and reflect on data, identify opportunities for improvement, plan ahead, and request resources. 程序 审查 is designed to fulfill the following objectives:

  • Align unit level planning with Campus planning, specifically with Mesa2030 and the Roadmap to Mesa2030.
  • Enhance institutional effectiveness and excellence.
  • Ensure systematic and campus wide focus on equity, with specific focus on racial equity.
  • Provide clear, data-informed rationale for budgeting and resource allocation decisions.
  • Facilitate innovation within institutional units.
  • Cultivate a culture of inquiry that extends across campus constituencies.
  • Fulfill the requirements of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC).

Mesa has begun using Nuventive for 程序 审查! Please use the link 在这里 (解决方案 to access the platform.